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Whats the best way to travel to Innsbruck?The best way to travel to Innsbruck is by train. There are numerous train connections going to Innsbruck from all over Europe. If you need to fly, it will also be worth it to check flights to Munich or Vienna, as the Innsbruck airport is very small and flights are expensive. If you come by car, be aware that parking in the city centre can cost up to 20€ per day and a lot of parking spots only allow short-term parking.
What if I can't ski? Can I still participate?Yes of course! All our locations can be reached by gondola or by foot. So you can have the full Skinnovation experience event without skiing.
Where to stay?It is best to stay in a hotel in central Innsbruck. You can reach the kick-off evening event on wednesday by foot and on thursday and friday we provide special shuttle buses from central Innsbruck (Triumphpforte) to the ski resort Axamer Lizum. Click here to find more information about partner hotels, shuttle registration and locations.
Where can I rent ski/snowboard equipment?There are numerous ski rentals in Innsbruck city centre and at the ski resort. Information about special deals with ski rentals for Skinnovators will be published shortly.
Do I need my own car to get to the ski resort?No. We will offer shuttle buses from Innsbruck City Centre to Axamer Lizum in the morning, with return trips in the afternoon and evening. Specific timings will be communicated shortly before the event. A separate form will be sent out for shuttle reservations for all participants in February. The service will be charged with €5, and all proceeds will be donated to charity. This is to avoid bookings which are not used. If you want to come with your own car, be aware that parking is up to 20€ per day in Innsbruck city centre. Parking at the ski resort will be free, however depending on weather conditions, there could be snow chain obligation on the street up to Axamer Lizum.
Where can I book the shuttle bus to the ski resort?We will contact all participants via email in February with a link to a registration form. The link will also be published here.
Can I bring my kids?Yes it's possible to bring your kids. We are happy to support parents during the event. Kids till the age of 16 can be brought along for free. Lift tickets for attendees kids can be bought for a discounted price at the checkin. If you are unsure whether to bring your kids, please contact us for an individual solution.
When is the check-in open?The check-in will be open at the following times: Wednesday: 4pm - late (evening location Agnes-Heller Haus) Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00 (valley station Axamer Lizum) Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 (valley station Axamer Lizum)
Can I change my ticket to a different name?Yes this is possible. Open the confirmation email and there you can click on "change details". There you can re-assign your ticket.
I own the Freizeitticket oder Snow Card Tirol, do I get a discount on the ticket?Yes, please contact and we will provide a code for a discounted prize.
Can I pay via bank transfer?This is only possible if you buy tickets for a bigger group. Please contact in case you want to buy more than 5 tickets and use bank transfer.
Can I cancel my ticket?Yes, cancellation is possible, following rules appy: In case of cancellation up to 1 month before the start of the event, 75% of the ticket price will be refunded. In case of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the event, 50% of the ticket price will be refunded. In case of cancellation within 2 weeks before the start of the event, 25% of the ticket price will be refunded. Once the event has started, the purchase price of the respective ticket cannot be refunded. Full details concerning cancelation can be found at the terms and conditions.
Can I get a bill?Yes. Just click on your confirmation mail on "view order" and you will be redirected to our ticket provider. There you can click on "view invoice" and download it.
How are my skis transported to the ski resort?Bring your skis to us before your first shift. They will be brought to Axamer Lizum in our transporters.
Where can I apply as a volunteer?You can find teh volunter application here.
When will the preparation tasks take place?They will take place in the week before the event and in the days just before the event . The dismantling will be the 29th March.
What volunteer tasks are there at Skinnovation?Last Preparations Event week Checkin Setup/Dismantling Supporting speakers and talks at the ski hut Hosted lunch tables Ski Lift Pitch Jumper - you jump in when we quickly need help somewhere Ski Race Sports & Alpine Tech Day Booth Support Network Gondola Shuttle driver Social Media Photographer
I don't live in Innsbruck. Can I still volunteer?Yes you can, but we would recommend you to find accommodation during the event in Innsbruck. Unfortunately our team is not able to find accommodation for you or support it financially.
Will we get ski equipment?No. You will get a volunteer tshirt, goodies, food and drinks. But all other equipment you will need on the mountain (skis/snowboardsm ski clothes, helmet, etc.) you will have to bring yourself.
Is there catering for volunteers?Yes, we offer lunch and dinner to all volunteers. Please also bring your own water bottle so that you have enough to drink during the day.
I don't know my timetable for the new semester yet...We will only ask for your exact availability from 28.02.2025 and even after that you can contact us at any time if your availability changes. We will then assign you a new shift.
Until when can I apply?The application phase runs until 02.02.2025
What skills should I bring with me?You should definitely be able to ski or snowboard For some volunteer positions it is very helpful if you speak fluent German & English. Although Skinnovation is an all-English conference, the staff at the ski huts and lift stations speak almost exclusively German. If you only speak English, we will also find a cool volunteer position or assign you to a team where at least one person speaks German.
Can I also just help with preparations/dismantling and still be part of the event?Yes, this might be possible that you merely work shifts before the event or after. However, usually you will also have at least one shift during the event.
What if I cannot attend the volunteer briefing in person?We prefer it if you attend the volunteer briefing in person. Additionally we create an online meeting and record it if you can’t make it in person.
How well do I have to ski/snowboard?The event will take place directly in the ski area Axamer Lizum, so for a lot of tasks it is important that you can safely get down a blue and red slope. There are a few tasks where you don't have to ski/snowboard but generally it is prefered if you can ski/snowboard.
How do I get to the ski area?With our shuttle or with our ski bus organized for the participants. The meeting point is always the Triumphpforte. Leopoldstraße 2, 6020 Innsbruck
Do I have time as a volunteer to take part in talks and the networking activities?Yes you will! We aim that one your shifts is before or after the event and only two shifts during the event, so that you also have enough time to enjoy the event.
Can I work in different positions during the event?Yes, you can try different positions during the event. Note that we try to meet everyones wishes, but that this can't always be possible. We will try our best though!
How do I apply as a volunteer at Skinnovation?The volunteer application will be online in November. Please check the website and social media for the announcement.
Will travel expenses be refunded?No, unfortunately we cannot refund any travel expenses.
How do I get my skis back?If you forgot to take your skis out of our transporter on Friday evening, you can pick them up on Saturday, March 16th at Leopold Straße 2
Do I have to speak German?It's prefered if you have at least some skills. The event will be held in English, but organizational communication will be mostly in German.
Do I have to be available for all 3 days of the event?No you don't, but it will definitely enhance the experience if you do. Individual days are possible though.
Do I need a ticket to participate at the Ski Lift Pitch?Yes, all startups need a ticket in order to pitch at Skinnovation. Without ticket you won´t receive an invitation link to the application platform.
Is there more than one pitch competition?Yes. This year we will have two different competitions: One for early stage startups (Olympiabahn) and one for later stage (Hoadlbahn). We will screen your application and assign you accordingly to early stage or later stage based on your development and funding status.
Is there a fee for applying or pitching?No additional fees are required beyond your Skinnovation ticket.
What are the locations for the Ski Lift Pitch?Hoadlbahn (Later Stage Startups) - Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 - Time: 13:30 - 15:30 Olympiabahn (Early Stage Startups) - Date: Friday, March 28, 2025 - Time: 09:45 - 11:45
What should I expect during the pitch?Early Stage Startups: - "Open pitching" in the Olympiabahn for 2 minutes for each startup. - No individual feedback during the rides, instead feedback at the Hoadlhaus afterwards together with investors Later Stage Startups: - Pitch: 3-4min - Feedback: ~5min Q&A in a smaller group setting together with investors
When are the pitches scheduled?The later stage pitch at the Hoadlbahn is on Thursday after lunch starting at 13:30. The early stage pitch at the Olympiabahn is on Friday starting at 9:45.
How do I apply for the Ski Lift Pitch?All startup ticket holders will receive an email with a registration form. It is not possible to apply for the Ski Lift Pitch without a Skinnovation ticket.
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